Schreiner, Thomas R. 1, 2 Peter, Jude. New American Commentary. Edited by E. Ray Clendenen. Nashville: B&H, 2003.
This is my top choice for 2 Peter. Though there are more detailed commentaries on this book, Schreiner combines exegetical skill with sound theology like no one else on 2 Peter. There are numerous theological challenges in 2 Peter and Schreiner navigates them better than any single commentary. Schreiner’s commentary is ideal for the pastor because he does not go into unnecessary grammatical or linguistic detail. However, he does competently handle these issues when they affect interpretation. Schreiner also does a good job in showing how the sections of the book fit together.

Bauckham, Richard J. Jude, 2 Peter. Word Biblical Commentary. Edited by David A. Hubbard. Waco: Word, 1983.
This is perhaps the premier scholarly commentary on the book. It gives a strong exegetical treatment. He provides the reader with the interpretive options and more often than not guides the reader to the correct understanding of the text. He is not as consistently correct as Schreiner, but he is close. However, this commentary is marred by its denial of Petrine

Giese, Curtis P. 2 Peter and Jude. Edited by Dean O. Wenthe and Curtis P. Giese. Concordia Commentary. Saint Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 2012.
This is another excellent exegetical treatment of the book which gives detailed comments on the language, careful exposition, and theological interaction. It is written from conservative Lutheran tradition. I appreciated the conservative

Luther, Martin. The Catholic Epistles. Luther’s Works, Vol. 30. Edited by Jaroslav Jan Pelikan, Hilton C. Oswald, and Helmut T. Lehmann. Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1999.
Luther’s commentary on 2 Peter is insightful and not to be missed. He does an excellent job of expositing Peter’s moral exhortations in their relation to the gospel of grace.

Calvin, John. Commentaries on the Catholic Epistles. Translated by John Owen. Grand Rapids, MI: Logos Bible Software, 2010.
Calvin is always to be consulted. He is consistently careful and correct in his interpretations.
Lillie, John. Lectures on the First and Second Epistles of Peter. New York: Charles Scribner & Co., 1869.
I highly recommend Lille. In wrestling with several passages containing interpretative difficulties, I found that Lille provided the most insightful way forward. He is both exegetical and theological in his comments.

Green, Micahel. 2 Peter and Jude. Revised edition. Tyndale New Testament Commentaries. Edited by Leon Morris. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987.
This contains an excellent defense of Petrine authorship as well as helpful, though brief comments. When I studied 2 Peter in seminary, I used Green, Bauckham, and Hiebert as my main commentaries. However, I found that recently I use him less because of the subsequent excellent, fuller commentaries available.

Hiebert, D. Edmond. Second Peter and Jude: An Expositional Commentary. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 1989.
This is an under-rated commentary. Every time I turn to Hiebert I find sensible, helpful exposition. If a conservative lay-person wanted one commentary on 2 Peter and Jude, I’d point them to either

Green, Gene L. Jude and 2 Peter. Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008.
Green is worth looking at, but he would not be my first choice. He is well-versed in the social world of the first-century. This is sometimes illuminating, but it sometimes leads Green astray.
Other Works
Brown, John. Parting Counsels: An Exposition of the First Chapter of the Second Epistle of the Apostle Peter, with Four Additional Discourses. Edinburgh; London; Glasgow: William Oliphant and Sons; Hamilton, Adams & Co.; David Robertson, 1856.
Brown’s work on 2 Peter 1 is not organized verse-by-verse sequence, which makes this somewhat more difficult to use. But it is full of insight and well worth reading.

Lloyd-Jones, D. M. Expository Sermons on 2 Peter. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1983.
Lloyd-Jones is always worth reading. These sermons are no exception.
Charles, J. Daryl. Virtue Amdist Vice: The Catalog of Virtues in 2 Peter 1. JSNT 150. Sheffield Academic Press, 1991.
Chapter 6 provides a brief commentary on 2 Peter 1:1-11. Preceding that

Davids, Peter H. 2 Peter and Jude: A Handbook on the Greek Text. Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2011.
I don’t usually find Davids helpful, but this was a serviceable handbook on the grammar and syntax of 2 Peter. Davids has also written a commentary on 2 Peter and Jude in the Pillar series.