Scripture, Hermeneutics, and Theology: Evaluating Theological Interpretation of Scripture. PhD diss., Bob Jones University, 2011. Revised, 2012.
This dissertation offers a critique of and constructive response to several areas of theological interpretation. Section one evaluates the role that tradition ought to play in interpretation and theology. Chapters 1 and 2 survey the history of tradition’s theological role from the early church to the present. Chapter 3 evaluates these historical proposals according to Scripture and proposes an appropriate role for tradition in theology. The second section evaluates the tendency to move back toward a multiple-sense approach to interpretation. Chapter 4 examines the development of the four-fold hermeneutic among the patristic and medieval theologians. Chapter 5 examines the return to literal, single-sense interpretation during the Reformation and Post-Reformation periods, the development of historical criticism, and the current reaction to the historical-critical method. Chapter 6 evaluates the movement back to multi-sense interpretations in light of Scripture. Section three evaluates the role that biblical and systematic theology should play in the interpretation of Scripture. Chapter 7 examines the emergence of biblical theology and critiques the various proposals for biblical theology that have arisen. Chapter 8 examines the history of systematic theology and offers a programmatic definition. Chapter 9 proposes how biblical theology and systematic theology ought to work together in theological interpretation. Ecclesiastes 9:1-10 serves as a test case to demonstrate how theological interpretation ought to be practiced. This chapter concludes with a discussion regarding how to apply exegesis and theology in the contemporary world.
Heritage Studies 3. Third Edition. BJU Press, 2014.
- Wrote the Student Text. This is a third-grade textbook covering the period from Columbus to the Civil War.
Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption. BJU Press, 2016.
- Wrote initial drafts of chapters 12, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25 on the mission of the church, vocation, biblical view of government, biblical view of history, the creational foundations for a biblical view of culture and the arts.
Ellis, Brannon and Mark Ward, eds. Lexham Survey of Theology. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2018.
- Contributed articles on “God’s Law,” “Natural Law,” “The Moral Law,” “The Covenants of Grace,” “The Noahic Covenant,” “The Abrahamic Covenant,” “The Mosaic Covenant,” The Davidic Covenant,” “The New Covenant,” “The Three Uses of the Law,” The Civil Use of the Law,” “Theological Law,” The Christian Use of the Law,” “The Church and Israel.”
The Story of the Old Testament. BJU Press, 2018.
- Wrote “The Tabernacle & God’s Presence,” “The Psalms and the Story of Scripture,” “Proverbs and the Story of Scripture,” “Ecclesiastes and the Story of Scripture,” “Song of Songs and the Story of Scripture.”
The Life of Christ. BJU Press, 2019.
- Revised two units on the Sermon on the Mount; wrote the conclusion.
“2 Peter and Jude.” In Lexham Context Commentary: New Testament. Volume 3. Edited by Douglas Mangum. Lexham Press, 2020.
“Job” In Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament. Edited by Douglas Mangum, Steven E. Runge, Thomas Parr, Mark Ward. Lexham Press, forthcoming.
- Dr. Kevin Chau wrote the commentary for the top two levels of the outline (currently available). I contributed more detailed commentary on the lower levels of the outline (forthcoming).
Academic Papers and Journal Articles
- “Discovering the Lost World of Genesis One: A Theological Evaluation of John Walton’s Interpretation of Genesis One.” Bible Faculty Summit. 2012.
- “Review of Charles Hill’s Regnum Caelorum: Patterns of Millennial Thought in Early Christianity.” Bible Faculty Summit 2014.
- “Kingdoms and Covenants: Evaluating David VanDrunen’s Two Kingdom, Natural Law Approach to Culture.” Bible Faculty Summit 2015.
- “The Land Promise in Scripture: An Evaluation of Progressive Covenantalism’s View of the Land.” Bible Faculty Summit 2016.
- “Sola Deo Gloria or Beatitude: A Historical Study of the Chief End of Man.” Bible Faculty Summit 2017.
- “Genesis 1:26-28: Its Significance in Genesis and Biblical Theology.” Bible Faculty Summit, 2019.
- “Were the Fathers Amillennial? An Evaluation of Charles Hill’s Regnum Caelorum.” Bibliotheca Sacra 177 (April-June 2020): 207-20.
- “Kingdoms and Covenants: Evaluating David VanDrunen’s Two Kingdom, Natural Law Approach to Culture,” Journal of Biblical Theology and Worldview 1, no. 2 (Spring 2021): 41-62.
- “The Olivet Discourse: A Bifocal Approach.” Bible Faculty Summit, 2021.
- “The Futurist Interpretation of Revelation: Intertextual Evidence from the Prologue,” Journal of Biblical Theology and Worldview 2, no. 1 (Fall 2021): 33-52.
- “Review of Recent Books on Covenant Theology.” Bible Faculty Summit, 2022.
- “The Covenant of Grace: A Critique of the Concept in Stephen Myers’s God to Us: Covenant Theology in Scripture.” Journal of Biblical Theology and Worldview 3, no. 2 (Spring 2023): 35-52.
- “Baptist Covenant Theologies: An Analysis and Evaluation.” Bible Faculty Summit, 2023.
Book Reviews
- “Jonathan Leeman, How the Nations Rage: Rethinking Faith and Politics in a Divided Age. Nashville: Nelson, 2018.” Journal of Biblical Theology and Worldview 1, no. 1 (Fall 2020): 91-94.
- “Jones, Michael S., Mark J. Farnham, and David L. Saxon, Talking about Ethics: A Conversational Approach to Moral Dilemmas. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 2021.” Journal of Biblical Theology and Worldview 1, no. 2 (Spring 2021): 96-99.
- “Blackwell, Ben C., John K. Goodrich, and Jason Maston, eds. Reading Revelation in Context: John’s Apocalypse and Second Temple Judaism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Academic, 2019.” Journal of Biblical Theology and Worldview 2, no. 1 (Fall 2021): 106-8.
- “Fanning, Buist. Revelation. ZENCT. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2020.” Journal of Biblical Theology and Worldview 2, no. 2 (Spring 2020): 96-98.
- “The Book of Numbers. (New International Commentary on the Old Testament). Second Edition. By Timothy R Ashley. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2022.” Journal of Ministry and Theology 27, no. 1 (Spring 2023): 178-80.
- “Craig G. Bartholomew, The Old Testament and God. Old Testament Origins and the Question of God. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2022.” Journal of Biblical Theology and Worldview 4, no. 1 (Fall 2023): 84-86.
- “From the Manger to the Throne: A Theology of Luke (New Testament Theology). By Benjamin Gladd. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2023.” Journal of Ministry and Theology 27, no. 2 (Fall 2023): 153-56.
- “Matthew (Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary). By Charles L. Quarles. Bellingham, WA: Lexham, 2022.” Journal of Ministry and Theology 27, no. 2 (Fall 2023): 156-59.
Magazine Articles
- “The Christian’s Hope for Eternity.” Frontline (May/June 2010): 21-22.
- “The Scope of Worship.” Frontline (November/December 2011): 9-10.
- “Culture: Conformity and Contextualization.” Frontline (March/April 2012): 22-23.
- “The Relevance of Scripture: A Hermeneutical History.” Frontline (November/December 2012): 6-7, 30.
- “Straight Cuts: Galatians 4:21-31: An Allegory?” Frontline (January/February 2013), 6.
- “A Voice Long Silent Speaks for Today: Isaac Backus—Baptist Defender of Religious Liberty.” Frontline (September/October 2013): 17, 30.
- “Land: An Important Biblical Theme for God’s People.” Frontline (November/December 2013):15-16.
- “The Humanity of Christ.” Frontline (November/December 2014): 16-17.
- “The Presence of God in Scripture.” Frontline (November/December 2015): 6-7.
- “The Presence of God in the Tabernacle.” Frontline (November/December 2015): 8-9.
- “Running with Our Eyes Fixed on Jesus.” Frontline (January/February 2016): 6-7, 34.
- “Straight Cuts: Genesis 2:5-6.” Frontline (May/June 2016): 6.
- “Implications of Interpretation: Accommodation to Evolutionary Thought.” Frontline (July/August 2016): 6-7, 35.
- “Why Am I a Fundamentalist?” Frontline (March/April 2017): 14-15, 27.
- “Why You Should Use Wayne Grudem’s New Edition of His Systematic Theology in Your Bible Study.” Bible Study Magazine (Jan/Feb 2021).
- “Covenant Theology Versus Dispensationalism: The Strengths of the Major Systems.” Bible Study Magazine (Sep/Oct 2022).
- “The Definitive Guide to Bible Commentaries: Types, Perspectives, and Use.” Word by Word blog (March 7, 2023).
- “2 Unexpected Results from Logos 10’s Print Library Catalog Tool.” Word by Word blog (March 15, 2023).
- “Straight Cuts: Who Is the Israel of God? Galatians 6:16).” Frontline (September/October 2023): 6.
TH312 Early Church History. Foundation Baptist College. Edmonton, AB, Canada. 2015.
“Creation, Fall, Redemption in Biblical Theology,” “A Theology of the Land.” Advanced Biblical Theology. Asia Center for Advanced Christian Studies. Online Course. 2016.
“Prolegomena,” “Narrative and Poetry,” “Connecting the Disciplines.” Advanced Hermeneutics. Asia Center for Advanced Christian Studies. Online Course. 2017.
“Bibliology,” “Anthropology,” “The New Heaven and New Earth.” Advanced Systematic Theology. Asia Center for Advanced Christian Studies. Online Course. 2017.
“The Middle Ages.” Advanced Church History. Asia Center for Advanced Christian Studies. Online Course. 2018.
“Exposition of Ezra.” Mount Calvary Baptist Church Sunday School. 2019.
“Biblical Worldview.” Prism Conference. Bob Jones Memorial Bible College. Manila, Philippines. 2019
“Advanced Eschatology.” Asia Center for Advanced Christian Studies. Singapore and Online. 2019.
“Understanding Difficult Passages,” “The Olivet Discourse,” “Intertextuality.” Asia Center for Advanced Christian Studies. Online Course. 2019.
TH410 Eschatology. Foundation Baptist College. Edmonton, AB, Canada. 2021.
“Old Testament Survey II.” Mount Calvary Baptist Church Sunday School. 2023.
BJU Press Projects
*Bible Truths B: Portraits from the Old Testament. Third Edition. BJU Press, 2007. Student Text.
- Contributed feature on Sodom and Gomorrah.
Bible Truths C: Lessons from the Early Church. Third Edition. BJU Press, 2008.
- Edited various lessons for Teacher’s Edition and Student Text.
*Bible Reading Program. Ancillary material for the Bible Truths Curriculum. 2007-2009.
- Wrote study questions for Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Isaiah 40-66, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Obadiah, Micah, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.
American Republic. Third Edition. BJU Press, 2010,
- Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Student Text and Teacher’s Edition.
Physics. Third Edition. BJU Press, 2010.
- Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Student Text and Teacher’s Edition.
World Studies. Third Edition. BJU Press, 2011.
- Helped craft scope and sequence. Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Student Text and Teacher’s Edition.
*Heritage Studies 6. Third Edition. BJU Press, 2012.
- Authored chapters 1 and 15; revised chapter 4 (Introduction, Ancient Israel, and Conclusion). Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Student Text and Teacher’s Edition.
United States History. Fourth Edition. BJU Press, 2012.
- Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Student Text and Teacher’s Edition.
Earth Science. Fourth Edition. BJU Press, 2012.
- Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Student Text and Teacher’s Edition.
Physical Science. Fifth Edition. BJU Press, 2014.
- Contributed to the biblical worldview review.
*American Government. Third Edition. BJU Press, 2014.
- Wrote chapter 3, reworked chapter 1, and provided a biblical worldview review of the Student Text and Teacher’s Edition.
*Heritage Studies 3. Third Edition. BJU Press, 2014.
- Wrote the Student Text. Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Teacher’s Edition and ancillary materials.
*Cultural Geography Fourth Edition. BJU Press, 2015.
- Wrote chapter 1, the religions feature boxes, and the religion activities in the TE. Coordinated, edited, or wrote the missions features. Provided a biblical worldview review of the Teacher’s Edition.
*Heritage Studies 4. Third Edition. BJU Press, 2015.
- Wrote chapters 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 on industrialization, the Progressive Era, the Great Depression, and the Southeast and Rocky Mountain regions. Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Teacher’s Edition and ancillary materials.
*Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption. BJU Press, 2016.
- Helped plan book’s structure and scope; wrote initial drafts of chapters 12, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25 on the mission of the church, vocation, biblical view of government, biblical view of history, the creational foundations for a biblical view of culture and the arts. Contributed a biblical worldview review of the entire product.
*Heritage Studies 5. Fourth Edition. BJU Press, 2016.
- Wrote chapters 2, 5, 8, 12, 16, 19 on European exploration and settlement, the early national period, Reconstruction, westward expansion, the 1920s-30s, the Johnson-Carter presidencies, and the George W. Bush presidency. Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Teacher’s Edition and ancillary materials.
American Republic. Fourth Edition. BJU Press, 2016.
- Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Student Text and Teacher’s Edition.
American Literature. Third Edition. BJU Press, 2016.
- Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Teacher’s Edition.
World Studies. Fourth Edition. BJU Press. 2017.
- Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Student Text, Teacher’s Edition, and Activity Manual.
English 2: Writing and Grammar. Third Edition. BJU Press, 2017.
- Contributed to the Biblical Worldview review.
*The Story of the Old Testament. BJU Press, 2018.
- Wrote the lessons “Tabernacle & God’s Presence,” “The Psalms and the Story of Scripture,” “Proverbs and the Story of Scripture,” “Ecclesiastes and the Story of Scripture,” “Song of Songs and the Story of Scripture.” Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Student Text, Teacher’s Edition, and Assessments.
*Reading 4: Voyages. Third Edition. BJU Press, 2018.
- Wrote “God’s Creation,” a Bible retelling taken from Genesis 1-2; “God Sends a Flood,” a Bible retelling taken from Genesis 6-9; “Confucius,” an informational text designed to prepare students to evaluate the Korean folktale “Older Brother, Younger Brother” from a biblical worldview. Helped formulate the project blueprint. Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Reader, Worktext, and Teacher’s Edition.
United States History. Fifth Edition. BJU Press, 2018.
- Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Student Text, Teacher’s Edition, and Activity Manual.
Heritage Studies 6: Ancient Civilizations. Fourth Edition. 2018.
- Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Student Text, Teacher’s Edition, and Activity Manual.
The Life of Christ. BJU Press, 2019.
- Revised two units on the Sermon on the Mount; wrote the conclusion. Designed the biblical worldview scope, contributed to the project blueprint, contributed a biblical worldview review of the Student Text, Teacher’s Edition, and Activity Manual.
The Triumph of Christ. BJU Press, 2020.
- Wrote and revised material for Unit 5; wrote the conclusion. Designed the biblical worldview scope and sequence, contributed to the project blueprint, contributed a biblical worldview review of all the materials.
Reading 5. Third Edition. BJU Press, 2020.
- Created a biblical worldview scope and sequence for this product, helped construct the project blueprint, contributed a biblical worldview review of all the materials, and wrote “Holy Celebrations in Israel.”
Family and Community. Heritage Studies 1. Fourth Edition. BJU Press, 2020.
- Created a Biblical worldview scope and sequence for this product, helped construct the project blueprint, and contributed a biblical worldview review of all the materials.
American Government. Fourth Edition. BJU Press, 2020.
- Created a biblical worldview scope and sequence for this product, helped construct the project blueprint, and contributed a biblical worldview review of all the materials.
World Regions. Heritage Studies 3. Fourth Edition. BJU Press, 2021.
- Created a biblical worldview scope and sequence for this product, helped construct the project blueprint, and contributed a biblical worldview review of all the materials.
American Republic. Fifth Edition. BJU Press, 2021.
- Created a biblical worldview scope and sequence for this product, helped construct the project blueprint, and contributed a biblical worldview review of all the materials.
Bible Doctrines. BJU Press, 2021.
- Helped design to scope and sequence for the course, created a biblical worldview scope and sequence for this product, helped construct the project blueprint, and contributed a biblical worldview review of all the materials.
Exploring Themes in Literature. Fifth Edition. BJU Press, 2022.
- Created a biblical worldview scope and sequence for this product, helped construct the project blueprint, and contributed a biblical worldview review of all the materials.
Bible 2: Truths for Life. BJU Press, 2023.
- Contributed a biblical worldview review of the Teacher’s Edition.
Making Connections in Literature. Fourth Edition. BJU Press, 2023.
- Created a biblical worldview scope and sequence for this product, helped construct the project blueprint, and contributed a biblical worldview review of all the materials.
Reading 1 and Phonics & English 1. Fifth Edition. BJU Press, 2023.
- Created a biblical worldview scope and sequence for this product, helped construct the project blueprint, and contributed a biblical worldview review of all the materials.
Ethics. BJU Press, 2023.
- Developed the scope and sequence for the product, created a biblical worldview scope and sequence for this product, helped construct the project blueprint, and contributed a biblical worldview review of all the materials.